# originally found on http://daringfireball.net/2007/03/new_text_files_contextual_menu

# create file in Finder

tell application "Finder"


set myFolder to (the target of the front window) as alias

on error


end try

display dialog ¬

"New text file name:" default answer ".txt" buttons {"Cancel", "Create"} ¬

default button 2

set myFileName to text returned of result

if exists file myFileName of myFolder then

display alert ¬

"A file named ‘" & myFileName & "’ already exists in this folder." as informational


end if

set myPath to quoted form of ((POSIX path of myFolder) & myFileName)

do shell script "touch " & myPath

#open file in Emacs

display dialog ¬

"Open file with Emacs?" buttons {"Yes", "Cancel"} ¬

default button 1

if button returned of result is "Yes" then


tell application "System Events" to tell process "Emacs" to set frontmost to true

on error

tell application "/Users/suzume/Documents/Code/emacs/nextstep/Emacs.app"


delay 1

end tell

end try

set the clipboard to ((POSIX path of myFolder) & myFileName)

tell application "/Users/suzume/Documents/Code/emacs/nextstep/Emacs.app"

tell application "System Events"

delay 0.5

keystroke "x" using {control down}

keystroke "f" using {control down}

keystroke "a" using {control down}

keystroke "y" using {control down}

keystroke "k" using {control down}

key code 36 # Escape

delay 0.1

end tell

end tell

end if

end tell